Why would you join the company of doubters about yourself? You must have faith and have belief in yourself. Are you walking in the belief of being fearfully and wonderfully made? Well, that is what God said in Psalm 139:14. Do you doubt the words that God spoke over your life? Since God made you so wonderfully, then everything about you is wonderful. Your character, praise, children, bloodline, business, heart, finances, worship, and the words that come out of your mouth are wonderful as well. Do not allow the doubt of others to consume you. Stand boldly in God's guiding will. You must have belief, hope, and faith that you are everything God says you are; fearfully and wonderfully made.
So when the doubters come saying these things:
You aren't worth crap.
You are invisible.
You will never amount to anything.
That anything that comes from your blood will never amount to anything.
You have no voice.
You are weak.
You are dumb.
You are the scum of the earth.
You are small.
You are invaluable.
You are flawed.
You are not worthy.
You do not deserve anything good.
You won't be successful.
No one loves you.
You are not worth standing up for.
Your ideas do not matter.
You are worth being mistreated, lied to, and abused.
Your response to them is, "I believe I am fearfully and wonderfully made, just as God says I am." This statement should be your morning affirmations after giving thanks to God for waking you up. Don't join the company of the doubters of yourself. Join the waymaker (God), the prayer warriors, and the prolific speakers about when it comes to your life. Your doubt about yourself is not only showing a lack of respect for yourself, but it is a slap in the face to God. Who dares to stand in the presence of God and slap Him?

21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. (Matthew 21:21 NIV)