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A Kiss from Rose | The Doors You Walk In

The doors I walk into are favorable.

The doors I walk into are anointed.

The doors I walk into are positive.

The doors I walk into are uplifting.

God shields the doors I walk in.

The doors I walk into are untouchable by the devil.

The blood of Jesus covers the doors I walk in.

The people behind the doors I walk into are sent to be favorable to me by God.

The doors I walk into are not a trap.

The atmosphere behind the doors I walk into is heavenly.

God places the doors I walk into for me to enter.

The doors I walk into are victorious places.

As you enter many doors throughout your lifetime, speak these words of positivity and the favorable powers of God.

**Friendly reminder, we are in the month of September; let's not forget to select one day you will fast from 8-12 noon. Also, please do not forget to save. This is our financial fast, and faith without work is dead. Amen? Amen!


" Knock and God will open the door." - Alston Shropshire


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