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A Kiss from Rose| Overpacked

Chile, why are you carrying all of these bags? These bags are too much to carry around. Where are you going that you need all of this baggage? Did someone request for you to bring or carry them? Well, let me take a look at what you have.

Your parents' issues/ business

Your children, grandchildren, auntie, uncle, cousin, and nephew issues/business

Your friends' issues/ business

Your boss, co-workers, and associates issues/ business

Your spouse issues/ business

Your neighbors' issues/ business

The people down the street and on the other side of town issues/ business

Hurt and pain for the past, present, and future ( the future isn't here, but you are bringing it's unforeseen worry and doubt along for the ride)

The baby momma or daddy issues/ business

The stepchildren business/ issues

The in-laws issues/ business

Your daddy or momma side of the family issues/ business

Listen and listen well! Pack light! The only thing I am carrying with me is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, and that's on Mary had a little lamb; as the young folk would say! That's all I need.

Besides, I am carrying enough body weight; I don't need anything else.


"Listen and listen well! Pack light! The only thing I am carrying with me is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, and that's on Mary had a little lamb; as the young folk would say! That's all I need." - Alston Shropshire


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