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A Kiss from Rose|October 2nd

How is your vision? This is a serious question to make you think. How is your vision with your family? Are you biased on some things because this is your family, or is right, is right and wrong is wrong? Do you look at your family with the same eyes that you look at other people's families?

How is your vision of your church? Are you biased on some things because this is your family's church? Do you look at your church with the same eyes that you look at another church?

How is your vision with your spouse/ partner( relationship/ marriage)? Are you biased? Do you look at your relationship/ marriage with the same eyes that you look at others?

Be careful when throwing stones in these areas, you might break the glass in your own house. While you are peeping out the front window with your answers, you never know who was given the keys and is sitting at your table in your house waiting on you to turn around.


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Oct 02, 2020

So true...


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