Well, let's look at the phrase, "I am no walk in the park, but I am worth it."
The walk with me will be challenging. I am no walk in the park, but I am worth it.
The walk with me will not be free of storms. I am no walk in the park, but I am worth it.
You may not like the decisions I make. I am no walk in the park, but I am worth it.
I may not respond when you expect I should. I am no walk in the park, but I am worth it.
You will face trials and tribulations in your life and your Christian walk, yet it will be worth it. It may not be smooth sailing every day, but it will be worth it. Stay the course, keep moving forward, and do not give up.
You are "no walk" in the park, but you do not want anyone to give up on you because you feel you are worth it. Am I right?
**Friendly reminder, we are in the middle of November; let's not forget to select one day you will fast from 8-12 noon. Also, please do not forget to save. This is our financial fast, and faith without work is dead. Amen? Amen!

"I am the child of the King! I am worth it."- Alston Shropshire