It would be best if you took time out for yourself. Take the time out to smell the flowers, look at the trees, and breathe in peace. Before, there are no flowers to smell, trees to look at, and you are resting in peace.
Do you! Take yourself out to a restaurant, a spa, or out to dinner. You need to rejuvenate. It would help if you paused from the fast pace of everyday life. Listen to a mediation playlist for five minutes. Do yoga. Close the room door for an extra five minutes. Pray and gather your thoughts, but get you some me-time. I challenge you to forty-five minutes of relaxation for yourself.

"I make sure I have some time to myself because I am worth enjoying everything God put on this earth for me to see. I smell the flower. I look at the trees, and I take the time to inhale the fresh air He provided." - Alston Shropshire