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A Kiss from Rose | I Must Forgive


I must forgive!

I must forgive because God says so.

I must forgive because it is the right thing to do.

I must forgive so that I may be forgiven.

I must forgive so that I may move forward.

I must forgive so I can free up my blessings. Many of my blessings are tied up due to unforgiveness.

I must forgive to walk in the total favor of God.

I must forgive so that my path can be clear.

I must forgive the darkness, the valleys, and the storms.

I must forgive the hurt and the pain.

I must forgive everything and everyone.

I must forgive!

I will forgive!

I have forgiven all!

I have even forgiven myself!


" I have watched. I have waited. I have forgiven." - Alston Shropshire


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