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A Kiss from Rose | Hypocrisy


Whether we want to admit it, we all are guilty of one thing or another. Hopefully, we are all on our knees praying for forgiveness and changed behaviors.

I am hopeful that with our acknowledgment of our actions and praying, we also apologize to those it has affected.

Many of these scenarios may or may not apply to you; however, you may have seen or heard of these things taking place in your lifetime.

Often people throw the term hypocrite around when it comes to Christians. Yet, forget the mirrors they pass every day.

Today's message is not to judge anyone. These scenarios are only examples and guides. Only you know where you see areas in your life that may require improvement. It may also remind you of things that show hypocrisy. Let's take a look.

Some women will often allow/ see/ cover their male family members (son, brother, uncle, cousin, friend) cheating, lying, and being abusive. Yet, they cry and argue with their significant other for exhibiting the same behavior. They will turn a blind eye and be upset with the women who turn a blind eye towards them. They will feel it is unfair for them to be treated in such a manner, yet it is perfectly fine for another woman to endure the same thing.

Some men will often allow/ see/ cover their female family members (daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend) cheating, lying, and being abusive. Yet, they cry and argue with their significant other for exhibiting the same behavior. They will turn a blind eye and be upset with the men who turn a blind eye towards them. They will feel it is unfair for them to be treated in such a manner, yet it is perfectly fine for another man to endure the same thing.

Some mothers will often allow/ see/ cover their children's cheating, lying, and being abusive. Yet, they want to raise hell with other parents for their children exhibiting the same behavior. They will turn a blind eye and be upset with others who turn a blind eye toward them. They will feel it is unfair for their children to be treated in such a manner, yet it is perfectly fine for another parent's children to endure the same thing.

Some fathers will often allow/ see/ cover their children's cheating, lying, and being abusive. Yet, they want to raise hell with other parents for their children exhibiting the same behavior. They will turn a blind eye and be upset with others who turn a blind eye toward them. They will feel it is unfair for their children to be treated in such a manner, yet it is perfectly fine for another parent's children to endure the same thing.

Some people will judge their friends on their lifestyle, loyalty, goals, status, and bank account. Yet their lifestyle is not spotless according to God (the ultimate record keeper, remember, He was there in the beginning. He saw what went on in the dark and on your darkest days.) Some people are not loyal to their parents (let's start with God, the ultimate parent). Some people tend to forget when they did not have goals, a status, or a bank account.

Some people will want all the compassion in the world yet forget to give it when someone else is in need.

Some parents forget what it was like to be the child trying to find their way, making mistakes, being rebellious, and still needing help. Yet, they are very critical of their children.

Some family members forget what it feels like to walk into a room full of in-laws that do not care for you. Yet, they are busy inflicting the same pain.

Some people were traumatized by how management treated them at the ground level. Yet, they are business owners treating their employees with little to no respect as human beings, passing along trauma.

Some people are invisible to you, yet they saw you when no one else did.


"Everyone has fingers they can point towards another person. Instead of using fingers to point, let's use our arms to hug." - Alston Shropshire


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