I have a great relationship with my aunt/godmother. I am going to tell you a story about the time she got me together. I hope this story helps you and that you pass it along to someone else. As most people know, my feelings are like a pie crust, and they get hurt easily. Well, for whatever reason, I called my auntie in tears, as I often do; that day was not the day. As soon as she heard my voice and that I was crying, she said, " I don't have time for this today; you need to get it together." I was shocked! She never told me she didn't have time. She goes on to say, "what is the problem?" Once she got the just of the story, she stopped me again. She said, "my mother (Grandma Rose) stayed on her knees too much for you not to know where to find your promises." She goes on to say," don't you have a bible in the house? Well, get it and find the promises God has for you. He has plenty of promises in the bible. Find the ones that apply to you and your situation, pray about it, and stand on it." So, as I am sitting there on the phone crying, she says, " you don't have time to cry; you need to activate His promises, now get off my phone and find the promises. Please do not call me until you have found some."
Sometimes, we need a stern reality check. People me not always have time to hold your hand and wipe your tears. They may not help you with your problems, but a man named Jesus can and will. There is a book called the bible with countless promises He has for you. Please pick it up and find one! Now, I am not going to say that I don't call her crying, but I call her with the confidence of God's promises despite the situation.
Leading me to God's promises was the best thing my aunt could have ever done for me. Yes, we all will cry, but in reality, we don't have time to cry; we need to activate our promises.
On the days I don't have any money- He will supply all of my needs (Philippians 4:19)
On the days I don't feel like I have a friend- I have a friend in Jesus (John 15:14)
On the days I feel lonely- He is my comforter (John 14:26)
On the days I feel sick- He is my healer (Exodus 15:26)
On the days I feel the burdens of life- He will carry my burdens for me (1 Peter 5:7)

"Don't think for one minute that I don't know the promises that God has for me."- Alston Shropshire
Thank you E.L.F. (my big auntie) for that conversation.
Thank you
Marvelous message!!