Where is your FAITH in God? What things do you have FAITH He will do for you?
What FAITH talk are you speaking over yourself?
I have FAITH that God will carry me through.
I have FAITH that God will provide.
I have FAITH that God will heal me.
I have FAITH that God will favor me.
I have FAITH that God will handle my enemies.
I have FAITH that God will not allow the devil to touch me.
I have FAITH that God will multiply my finances.
I have FAITH that God will cancel my debt.
I have FAITH that God will surround me with a genuine circle.
I have FAITH that God will put my name in favorable situations.
I have FAITH that God will show His face through me.
I have FAITH that God will anoint my head with oil.
I have FAITH that God will cover my children and grandchildren.
I have FAITH that God will always be my benefactor.
I have FAITH that God will anoint my head with oil.
I have FAITH that God will hide and comfort me in His protective and safe arms.
I have FAITH that God will save and deliver me.
I have FAITH that God will grant me the desires of my heart.
I have FAITH that God has my needs met.
I have FAITH that God will cover my home.
I have FAITH that God will cover me in His blood.
I have FAITH that God will bless me with the Holy Ghost.
I have FAITH that God will welcome me home one day.
**Friendly reminder, we are in August; let's not forget to select one day you will fast from 8-12 noon. Also, please do not forget to save. This is our financial fast, and faith without work is dead. Amen? Amen!

"I have FAITH that God is FAITHFUL to me!"- Alston Shropshire