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A Kiss from Rose | Bullying

Bullying is a serious issue that affects people of all ages, from children to adults. Whether it's on the playground, at work, or even within social circles, bullying causes deep emotional and psychological harm. It erodes the self-esteem of the victim, creates an atmosphere of fear and anxiety, and can lead to long-term issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, and even suicidal thoughts.

Children who bully often do so to exert control or dominance, while adults might bully others out of jealousy, insecurity, or a desire to maintain power. The negative effects of bullying are not limited to the victim; the bully also suffers. A person who bullies others often struggles with unresolved personal issues and may develop an unhealthy sense of self-worth based on their ability to manipulate or harm others.

The question of whether a bully could enter heaven is a profound one. In many religious teachings, heaven is a place for those who have lived a life of kindness, love, and respect for others. Bullying behavior, rooted in harm and disrespect, is fundamentally opposed to these values. However, many faiths also teach that redemption and forgiveness are possible if one truly repents. A bully would need to genuinely change their ways, seek forgiveness from those they have hurt, and make amends for their actions. True repentance involves not just feeling sorry but also actively working to right the wrongs they've committed.

It's important to remember that no one likes a bully. Their behavior isolates them, driving away friends, family, and potential allies. Over time, a bully may find themselves alone, facing the consequences of their actions. While it's never too late to change, the journey to becoming a better person requires humility, empathy, and a sincere desire to treat others with the respect and kindness that every human being deserves.

Bullying is a destructive behavior that leaves lasting scars on both the victim and the bully. For those who engage in bullying, the path to redemption is difficult but possible through sincere repentance and positive change. Bullying has no place in a world striving for love and understanding, and it certainly has no place in the eternal peace and harmony of heaven.


“Real Talk” - Alston Shropshire

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