As I bow, I lift my hands and praise You.
Lord, I heard everything You said to me yesterday.
Feeling your presence was very comforting.
Thank You for penetrating my soul.
I enjoyed my conversations with You throughout the day.
I needed time with You, Lord.
I did not realize the essence of what I was missing out on by not talking with You constantly.
There is no one like You.
Lord, I thank You for taking an interest in me.
Thank You for taking the time to carve out a favored path for my life.
Thank You for providing all of my needs. Thank You, Lord, for paying the ultimate price so I may be healed and free of sin.
Lord, I thank You for loving me unconditionally.
There's no greater love I know.
Your love is everlasting. Your love is soothing. Your love heals.
Your love mends the brokenhearted.
Lord, as You are granting me my breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus, I thank You.
My breakthrough is full of favor and love. My breakthrough is covered in Your blood and anointing.
Lord, thank You for breaking the chains of mental and spiritual bondage.
Thank you for canceling the malicious attempts against me.
Thank you for the restoration of thriving health and finances.
Thank You for the relationship I have with You.
Lord, I can't wait to talk to you again. In Jesus' name, amen.
Nothing is better than the morning after you had an experience with God. Soaking up all of the goodness of the Lord is amazing, so amazing that you have to waddle in it.
Do you think you did not receive a breakthrough? Praying is a breakthrough all by itself. You reached out for not only help but a deeper relationship.
The breakthrough is not being distracted by anything else. You kept your focus on God.
And guess what?
God was the one who got the breakthrough yesterday! He got to speak to you more often than any other day.

"Be you, God loves you."-Alston Shropshire