Be the reason someone smiles today.
Be the reason someone is happy.
Be the reason someone hears something positive.
Be the reason someone has hope.
Be the reason someone is inspired.
Be the reason someone is motivated.
Be the reason someone is doing better.
Be the reason someone is promoted.
Be the reason someone's name is in a room full of favor.
Be the reason someone's business is thriving.
Be the reason someone has a sale today.
Be the reason someone hears the word of God.
Be the reason someone makes it to the next level.
Be the reason someone's dreams come true.
Be the reason someone is at peace.
Being the reason for something good has a way of bringing joy to your heart and the receiver. Everyone wants a little bit of sunshine in their life. Can you commit to being the reason for someone else? Spread smiles and joy moving forward.
"Sometimes you must wear the shoe of another person to understand how comfortable or uncomfortable it is to wear it (the situation). Wearing someone's shoes sometimes is the only way to know what a person needs." - Alston Shropshire