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A Kiss from Rose| April 28th

Somewhere there is a teen mother losing faith because she doesn't know what to do. She feels like she has let countless people down. She may even feel like she has let God down. Somewhere a teen mother is struggling to do the best she can. She is looking into the face of her little boy or girl, fighting back the tears to smile. Unknowing the child, this is the last dollar she has to get the child's ice cream. As the child is smiling ear to ear, without a care in the world, the mother has the weight of the world on her shoulders. But God will provide for them over and over again.

Somewhere in the world, a teen mother is going hungry just so her child can eat. Yes, in 2021, this is still happening. Somewhere a teen mother and child slept together in one room, holding each other tight. One of them is thinking they are living their best life, and the other doesn't feel like this is much of a life at all. Soon God will turn it all around.

Somewhere out there, one of you may have had these same feelings or similar experiences, but look at you and that child now. God kept you both.

No matter how old you are, there will be a storm. However, you have the authority to tell the storm to pass.

Somewhere there is a teen mother that told the storm to pass. There is a teen mother who didn't break. There is a child of a teen mother who is successful.

There is a teen mother that God protected and blew the winds of a raging storm in another direction.

Somewhere, a colorful and blooming former teen mother walks with the face of God shining through her.


"My oldest son doesn't know how many tears I cried as I pushed through to make sure he had a smile." I never wanted him to see me as a failure." Alston Shropshire

1 Comment

Unknown member
Apr 28, 2021

Powerful true words AS!!! God is the ultimate source of how we overcome our adversities, having a good support system also adds hope.


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